Superposition – 2023-24
One of the most intriguing concepts in quantum mechanics is Schrödinger’s cat. It is a thought experiment that highlights the strange and paradoxical nature of a concept called quantum superposition. So it goes that if you seal a cat in a box with something that can eventually kill it, you will not know if the cat is dead or alive until you open the box. So, until you open the box and observe the cat, the cat is simultaneously dead and alive. Or in another term the cat is in a superposition.
The blindfolded figures in my new series happen to also ensnared by the concept of superposition. They exist in a state of ambiguity and multiple possibilities. Just as the cat is suspended in a state of uncertainty, unaware of its own fate, the blindfolded figures dance and laugh with an exuberance that defies their predicament.
Holy domesticated – 2021 – Azad Art Gallery
Domesticated – 2016 – Dastan Gallery
Monkeys – 2014 – Dastan’s Basement
Lohrasb Bayat’s first solo show at Dastan’s Basement.